How Your Boss Can Sabotage Your Dream

3 min readOct 12, 2020


“On an average, more than 2,800 people died during 2019 due to the unemployment in India”- NCRB report.

The Corporate Industry that has distinctively legalized the vicious “hierarchical” nexus that according to my point of view is just a masqueraded version of “urban-exploitation” has often severed the undaunted ambitious zeal of the youth in the 21st century India.

Recently, there was a spree of twitter trend that titled, “#DEATH OF DEMOCRACY”, soon after I had a quick flashback of the bitter-sweet memories that helped me in resonating with these particular words. In a developing economy such as India, it is a tragedy that one has to migrate to other towns and cities in order to find a decent livelihood due to the scarcity of resources and the absence of decent jobs in their birthplace. Although it is a heart-wrenching experience to stay away from your family for years in order to earn your bread and butter, there is no way out for survival especially for those who belong from the financially weaker section of the society.

Rest ensured this is not an excuse to procrastinate about the hardships of life, but only an initiative to highlight the fact- a million youngsters are laid out of their jobs because of the differences that might have developed between him/her, or their immediate reporting manager. Furthermore, the deliberate process of sabotage is not just confined within the walls of the organization, the one in power leaves no room to devoid the struggling candidate of any opportunity that he/she might be able to fetch otherwise on his own merit. The Boss ensures to ruin the verification process for the candidate in the other organization in which they might have recently given an interview for, wherein, a lot might be at stake.

A lot of times, the employee is fired after handing over the respective paperwork (that will be of no use, as your boss is anyway going to ruin your verification), under a pretext of unacceptable conduct! Though, there are laws in India that can help you in overcoming such traumatic experiences such as — filing a defamation case. However, considering the dynamic work culture of the Indian courts and the hefty cost that is borne out in a lawsuit now that you are unemployed might force you to just move on with life.

The question is- are the ever-increasing death statistics in India due to unemployment is only caused by the government’s ignorance towards generating employment opportunities? Can the very fact be ignored that a lot of young people who dared to make a name for themselves in a strange city were not merely pushed towards harassment by those in power?

Furthermore, are these practices acceptable, and the person who does this can get away with it just because the whole structure of the employment in India amongst the private sector is devised exclusively to cater to the vicious traditional “hierarchical” system?




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